clinical trials app

Share Your Story About Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) While You Earn Up To $445

Share Your Story About Major Depressive Disorder MDD While You Earn Up To $445

The PatientsLikeMe team has partnered with Takeda Pharmaceuticals on a new research study to learn more about Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) from patients just like you.

Our study aims to gain a better understanding of your medication and treatment experience, including how the therapies manage your symptoms, and side effects , along with the impact of switching medications, and tracking treatment goals may have. Your input brings real-life experience into the MDD research discussion

But How Do I earn the $445?

We value your opinions and time and will compensate you for both. Depending on your level of participation in this study, you are eligible for:

  • $75 gift card for participation up to 6 weeks
  • $50 gift card for confirming your MDD diagnosis
  • $75 gift card for participation up to 12 weeks
  • For participation up to 24 weeks, you will receive a $75

Additional compensation can be earned through tracking your goals weekly and completing specific modules throughout the course of the study. You are eligible for a total of $445. 

What Should I Expect From This Trial?

Over the course of our study, we will ask you about:

  • Your medication history and experience treating your MDD
  • Patterns you notice in your symptoms
  • Setting and tracking goals for treating your MDD

How Do I Know If This Study Is Right For Me?

  1. Have a confirmed diagnosis of MDD
  2. Recently been prescribed mono-therapy antidepressant medication (antidepressant medication used alone not in combination with another antidepressant medication)
    a. Defined as new start or medication switch within past 90 days from time of consent
  3. Be 18 years of age or older and live in the United States