
Empowering Diverse Communities Through Clinical Trials

Empowering Diverse Communities Through Clinical Trials Clinical trials play a pivotal role in advancing medical research and developing new treatments and therapies for a...

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What’s New In Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice?

What’s New In Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice? Diabetes is a devastating disease. The US News and World Report found it was the eighth-leading...

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Can Vaping Cause Cavities and Gum Disease? What  Users Need To Know About Oral Health And Other Side Effects

vaping gum disease, clinical trials

Can vaping cause cavities? You may be surprised to learn more about the potential negative effects of vaping on oral health and much more....

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How Should We Measure Diversity in Clinical Trials?

recruiting clinical trials

At the recent Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) Annual Meeting, I spoke about what really matters when measuring diversity in clinical trials.

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After Your Cancer Diagnosis: What To Know About The Side Effects of EGFR Inhibitor Drugs

side effects of EGFR Inhibitor

EGFR inhibitor drugs have proven to be effective in treating several types of cancers, but they can come with uncomfortable side effects. Here’s what...

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Encouraging and Facilitating Diverse Participation in Clinical Trials | An Empowered Patient Podcast by Karen Jagoda

diversity in clinical trials

Encouraging and Facilitating Diverse Participation in Clinical Trials | An Empowered Patient Podcast by Karen Jagoda Dr. Eddilisa Martin is the CEO and Founder of...

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How Is Thyroid Eye Disease Diagnosed And Treated?

bags under eyes thyroid

How Is Thyroid Eye Disease Diagnosed And Treated? If you have been diagnosed with Grave’s disease or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and you’re experiencing persistent eye...

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A Clinical Trial Saved My Life: Tammy Barnes’ Story

recruiting for clinical trials

Participating in a clinical trial has many benefits, especially for patients with life-threatening medical conditions. Hear Tammy Jordan-Barnes share her story and learn more...

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Share Your Story About Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) While You Earn Up To $445

clinical trials app

Share Your Story About Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) While You Earn Up To $445 Share Your Story About Major Depressive Disorder MDD While You...

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Bring the Care Partner Voice to the Center of Influencing Transplant Research by Sharing Your Story

clinical trials patient recruitment

Bring the Care Partner Voice to the Center of Influencing Transplant Research by Sharing Your Story Share Your Transplant Journey: Partnering with Patients You...

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